Sunday 15 January 2017

Target Audience questionnaire-RESEARCH

Target Audience Questionnaire

Below you will read and answer six questions. for each question please tick one option unless told to do differently.

Question 1:
How old are you? (Please write age in the space below)

Question 2:
What are your favourite genres of music? (please tick two options)
  • Pop
  • Indie
  • Rock
  • RnB
  • Dance
  • Country
  • Other (Please specify below)


Question 3:
What is your favouitre type of music video?
  • Narrative
  • Performance
  • Concept

Question 4:
What type of colour scheme do you prefer?
  • Warm (Red, orange, yellow etc)
  • Cold (Blue, green, purple etc)

Question 5:
What catches your attention the most in a music video? (Please tick two options)
  • Settings/Set
  • Costume
  • Lighting 
  • Colours
  • Themes/storyline
  • Other (Please specify)

Question 6:
Do you prefer to have actors in music videos?
  • Yes
  • No

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