Friday 20 January 2017

Target Audeince Charcter profile-RESEARCH

Izzy is a seventeen year old student from Birmingham England, she is currently studying Art and photography at her local college. She lives at home with her Mum, Dad, two Sisters and cat. She has a part time job at Topshop where she works all day Saturday and half days on Sunday. Izzy's disposable income is mostly spent on Apple music, buying songs and albums of her favourites artist and bands like Coldplay, Bombay Bicycle Club, Bastille and Florence and the machine. Her favourite stores are Urban outfitters, Topshop, Depop, ASOS and ASOS marketplace. Izzy's fashion sense is very casual and earthy, she follows a 90's-esque style of clothing sticking to Denim and other indie materials. Her friends share her taste in music which is indie pop, they also take tips from each other about clothes and where to buy them from. Izzy and her friends also attend under 18 social events where there favourite artist and bands music is played. This summer she is attending Reading festival and Truck festival to see Bombay Bicycle Club.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Laura Mulvey- RESEARCH

Laura Mulvey- Male gaze

What is gaze? Gaze is how an audience view the people presented in front of them. For Feminists it can thought of it in three ways: How men look at women. How women look at themselves. How women look at other women.

Laura Mulvey named the term 'Male Gaze in 1975. She believes that in film, audiences have to view characters from the perspective of a heterosexual male.

Quotes that portray Male Gaze
"I love the way she fills her clothes"
"She looks just like them girls in vogue"

Everyday life
Some theorists also have noted the sexualizing of the female body even in situations where female sexiness has nothing to do with the product being advertised.

The Male Gaze can also be directed towards members of the same gender for several reasons, not all of which are sexual, such as in comparison of body image or in clothing.

Key theorists beliefs
Jonathan Schroeder: (1998), "To Gaze implies more than to look at- it signifies a psychological relationship of power, in which the gazer is superior to the object of the Gaze"






Sunday 15 January 2017

Questionnaire feedback- RESEARCH

Questionnaire feedback
I gave out a total of sixteen questionnaires to different people in my year, I didn't want to give the questionnaires out to just people in my media class as I felt like the results would all be too similar.
looking at question one, twelve out of a possible sixteen people said that they are seventeen years old, I expected this result as the majority of the people in my year are still seventeen years old. Question two, for question two people said that "pop" and "dance" genres of music where they're favourites. Question three, eight people said that they're favourite type of music video is narrative based. Question four, eleven people said that they prefer a warm colour scheme for a music video. Question five, eight people said that the "Theme" of a music video grabs they're attention the most. Finally, question six a total of ten people said that they do prefer to have actors in music videos.

The responses I received from my questionnaires was expected, I before hand had an idea of what sort of music video I wanted to create, but from this questionnaire it has given me an idea of what my target audience want. I can know use the answers I've received from my questionnaire and now create the best music video that I can.

Target Audience questionnaire-RESEARCH

Target Audience Questionnaire

Below you will read and answer six questions. for each question please tick one option unless told to do differently.

Question 1:
How old are you? (Please write age in the space below)

Question 2:
What are your favourite genres of music? (please tick two options)
  • Pop
  • Indie
  • Rock
  • RnB
  • Dance
  • Country
  • Other (Please specify below)


Question 3:
What is your favouitre type of music video?
  • Narrative
  • Performance
  • Concept

Question 4:
What type of colour scheme do you prefer?
  • Warm (Red, orange, yellow etc)
  • Cold (Blue, green, purple etc)

Question 5:
What catches your attention the most in a music video? (Please tick two options)
  • Settings/Set
  • Costume
  • Lighting 
  • Colours
  • Themes/storyline
  • Other (Please specify)

Question 6:
Do you prefer to have actors in music videos?
  • Yes
  • No